yoga therapy bright autism school chennai

The science behind yoga for special need children

Yoga is a holistic approach focusing on the body, mind, and spirituality. Yoga is not linked to any religion or God. Instead, it is about being mindful of your body, mind, and soul. Regular practice of Yoga helps to balance emotions, restore physical stamina, and calm the nervous system.

Yoga and Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is characterized by affected muscle tone, reduced motor skills, and lower movement/posture control. Yoga helps to improve relaxation by releasing stress/tightness around the joints and muscles. In addition, certain asanas help to improve muscle tones.

The most significant advantage of using Yoga as a therapy for CP is the spinal stretch. Any stretch-type asana would offer flex and twist to the spine. Moreover, it improves the space between the spinal bones, which reduces pressure on the nerves/disks. Such a reduction in pressure would improve nerve function, thereby improving the range of movement and better coordination.

Yoga and Down’s Syndrome

Specific asanas that stretch and strengthen the entire body will help to balance the endocrine gland. This is why Down’s Syndrome children who regularly practice Yoga tend to stay flexible and slim. In addition, breathing exercise asanas help calm the nervous system and improve body awareness, memory, concentration, and others.

Yoga and Autism

Yoga is proven to bring general awareness to an autistic child. A typical autistic child is known to be stuck in his world. Over time, Yoga can help to get a connection between the student and the teacher. Thus, it is the first step toward social interaction. Moreover, Yoga helps to improve relaxation and reduce muscle tension. This, in turn, helps to reduce impulsive action, thereby reducing behavior problems. Combining breathing exercises and relaxation asanas helps strengthen the nervous system, improving body awareness and concentration. It is also proven that Yoga can help to improve motor, social, and communication skills in an autistic child.

Yoga and ADD

Combining breathing exercises and relaxing poses helps improve the child’s attention and social interaction. In addition, it helps to improve the child’s emotions, which rapidly helps stimulate the brain. Regular Yoga practice also helps to improve concentration, creative play, and academic skill development.

Yoga and ADHD

ADHD children showed improved attention and concentration with regular Yoga practice. Particular asanas help to balance the left and right brain hemispheres, which calms the mind and enhances attentivity. Teaching proper breathing exercises is the first step in training ADHD children.

Yoga and Learning Disorders

Most learning disorders come hand-in-hand with developmental delays and attention deficit problems. A special Yoga routine before school or study time helps the children to focus, increases patience, and improves confidence. The relaxing asanas help to regulate mood swings, and thus, it becomes easier for the child to control his emotions. Yoga builds athletic, social, intellectual, and communication skills. Above all, regular Yoga sessions help to improve compassion and attention and reduce anxiety/agitation.

Studies proving the importance of Yoga

  1. According to a paper published in the International Research Journal of Tamil, Suriya Namaskar helps to improve attention, concentration, physical flexibility, and stamina in high-function autistic children. The study was conducted with 20 pre-teen high-function autistic children for six weeks.
  2. A 2021 pilot study with 60 ASD children showed that children who underwent Yoga therapy showed a significant improvement in neurological functioning, musculoskeletal functioning, and sensory integration than the ASD children who did not undergo Yoga therapy.
  3. According to a review published in the Journal of Alternative Complement Medicine in 2004, the ancient Kundalini Yoga is proven to treat OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). In addition, meditative asanas of this Yoga style can also treat the depressive disorder, sleep disorder, and dyslexia.
  4. A preliminary study showed that four-month yoga sessions helped improve the quality of life in those who experienced stuttering.
  5. Performing Yoga therapy for eight weeks has shown significant emotional regulation and decreased symptoms in ADHD children.
  6. A review analysis of all the research conducted between 2002 and 2022 regarding ADHD and Yoga showed that Yoga offers physical, psychological, behavioral, and socio-emotional benefits to ADHD children. In addition, regular Yoga therapy is also proven to improve cognitive and academic skills.

FAQs about Yoga Therapy

Q1: How often should I give Yoga Therapy?

It is best to practice once or twice a day. However, if the daily practice is impossible, you can train once or twice weekly.


Q4: Which asanas are suitable for my child?

Each asana has unique benefits, and the list of asanas suitable for your child depends on his requirements. In general, Surya Namaskar, Cat-Cow Pose, Cobra Pose, Down Dog Pose, and Pranayama are best for special needs children.


Q2: Should Yoga Therapy be a group or individual activity?

Yoga stimulates imitation and social interaction. Thus, it is best to train Yoga as a group activity. However, if your child cannot learn in a group environment, Yoga can also be introduced as an individual activity.


Q3: Can I start Yoga Therapy for my child who cannot imitate?

Yes, we can begin with a full prompt in which the instructor would physically hold the hands and bring the child to the required position. Then, slowly, we can make the child independent in performing the asanas.